The Free Email Signature Generator for Artists & Musicians

Create the perfect email signature for music promotion, free.

Use the free email signature generator on Soundplate Clicks to promote your music with every email you send!


The Free Email Signature Generator For Musicians & Artists


Create yours now with the free email signature generator tool on Soundplate Clicks.


What should be in an email signature for musicians?

Your email signature is like an advert that every single person you send an email to will see. Use Soundplate Clicks to create yours for free.

It should include

Here is an email signature example for music (generated free on Soundplate Clicks)

Example Email signature for music - generated free on

How to make a email signature with the free email signature generator for artists.


  1. Sign up for a free Soundplate Clicks account.

  2. Create smart links for your music (watch this video to learn how)

  3. Make sure your profile section is complete (this is where your social media links and photo will come from for your signature).

  4. Go to the ’email signature’ section of the Soundplate Clicks dashboard and enter your details into the email signature generator. Your latest music will and social media links will be added automatically.
    Music Email Signature Generator on Soundplate Clicks


  5. Click ‘Generate Code’ and your code signature will be copied, ready to be pasted into the your email signature settings.



Why Email signatures are important for artists

  • Email signatures make you look professional and serious as an artist.
  • Your email signature is an under-rated music promotion tool for your music, people you email regularly are likely interested in your music, email signatures generated on Soundplate Clicks automatically update with your latest songlinks.
  • Your email signature gives managers, booking agents, A&Rs and fans quick access to your important contact details and social media.

Sign up to Soundplate Clicks now to create music smart links, presave campaigns, email signatures and much more for free.