4 Gmail Tricks All DJ’s Should Use To Better Manage Their Email

If you are a DJ, blogger, promoter or are in any way tied to the music industry the chances are you spend a huge amount of time dealing with your Email inbox which gets flooded with promos, adverts, newsletters etc. Here are 4 simple Gmail tricks to help you manage your Email more effectively.



#1 Have a clear out with Unroll.

Most of us are subscribed to a huge number of newsletters that we never read..

How many Emails do you get from airlines, online shops, casinos etc that you never open?!

It always seems easier to delete or ignore them but theres a service called Unroll which will help you get to the root of the problem. With just a few clicks on Unroll.me you can bring up a full list of your subscriptions and decide which ones to bin and which to keep. To find out more head to their website here: unroll.me.

Unroll can even unsubscribe you from individual labels using services like FatDrop while keeping you on the list for the labels you like.. clever right?!


#2 Use the ‘UNDO SEND’ feature in Gmail.

In Gmail there is a little known feature that we have started to fall in love with a bit, this is a proper life saver..

You know that moment where you click send but have forgotten to add an attachment or made a massive spelling mistake? Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an ‘undo send’ option so you could quickly make the changes before anyone reads it? .. Well there is! You just need to enable it.

Head to your Gmail settings and in your general settings, about half way down the page you will see the following option box.


Make sure that box is ticked and thank us later… 




#3 Filter, filter, filter and always find what you are looking for..

Gmail filters are a powerful tool when used properly. If you are a DJ the chances are you want to check out all your promos in one go or scan for booking requests without being distracted by adverts, sales emails or anything else. Gmail filters makes this easy.

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Filters make important email’s easy to find..

In your Gmail settings you will find a tab called filters and blocked addresses. Here you can create a new filter based on keywords ( E.g. “Booking request”, “booking” or “Gig” might be a good start for quickly finding Emails about bookings) or based on specific Email addresses (E.g. [email protected]). Once you have created the filter you can add it to a label or category within your Email. From then on every time your agent Emails you it will appear in your inbox and also in your ‘Bookings’ section.


#4 Track your Emails and know when they have been read..

If you have ever wanted to know if a label has checked out your latest demo that you sent them or if your manager is actually reading your Emails this is the trick you need..

Theres a super simple app called Sidekick which can run alongside your Email inbox which will let you know when someone opens one of your Emails or even when they click on one of the links within your message. It’s like a Whatsapp blue tick for your Email account!

Sidekick App

Find our more and get the app at getsidekick.com


What Have We Missed?

Do you have a great tip for managing your Email that we should have included?

Let us know by leaving a comment below or tweeting @Soundplate .

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