Henrik Schwarz & Metropole Orkest Will Open Amsterdam Dance Event 2016

Henrik Schwarz & Metropole Orkest to perform opening concert at ADE 2016.


The Amsterdam Dance event is one of our favorite weeks of the year, news is just starting to trickle in about this years program. Today it has been announced that Henrik Schwarz will team up with leading classical orchestra, Metropole Orkest to open the event at Melkweg in the city centre on October 19th.
Henrik Schwarz will be composing an hour of new music for the project alongside the orchestra, making this performance a true collaboration rather than just an orchestra playing dance music.

Conductor, Jules Buckley remarked:

“Both Henrik and the Metropole Orkest are fully committed to pushing boundaries in everything we do. We are excited to work with Henrik, his forthright and open approach to making new music makes this the perfect match.”

This is one concert you won’t want to miss.
For more information head to the ADE website.

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