We have asked a selection of top DJ’s to tell us their favorite places to play!
If you have been following Soundplate for a while, you will know that we post an interview & mix with a different British DJ each week. The ‘7 Sides of…’ interviews in association with The British Council / Selector Radio appear on the site each Friday. One of the questions we always ask is:
Where is the best place in the world you have DJ’d and why?
The response to this question is always interesting to us. It’s great to hear where the DJ’s that we love hearing play our favorite clubs enjoy playing the most! So if you have ever wondered where the best place in the world to DJ is, keep reading because these guys and girls really know what they are talking about..
Waifs & Strays – Fabric, London
I’ve been really lucky to play in some amazing places, but Fabric in London always holds a place in my heart. When it closed I was devastated, but thankfully common sense has prevailed and the club is reopening – expect to see me on the dance floor that night!
Citizenn – Panorama Bar / Berghain, Berlin
My favourite show ever is still Panorama Bar. Too many things happened, unspeakable things, life changing things. I’d show you the photos but they don’t exist.
Russ Yallop – Ibiza
It’s a boring answer but it has to be Ibiza, as nowhere can compete with the scale and quality of the clubs combined with the attitude of the free-from-work-for-a-week crowd that inhabits them.
Denney – Lost Beach Club,Ecuador / Renate, Berlin
This is a really hard question but I would have to say either Lost Beach Club in Ecuador or Renate in Berlin, both are complete opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of venue but both equally special in their own right.
Moxie – Glastonbury Festival
I’ve played in some very cool places around the world but one festival that i always love going back to has to be Glastonbury. I think because I went there as a kid from such a young age it holds a lot of memories for me and so to DJ there is a real honour. The year before last I played the closing set at Bloc9 and it was one of the funnest sets I’ve played.
Just Her – Truth, Johannesburg
My favourite place so far has been South Africa. Everything was awesome, from the scenery, to the food, to the amazing crowds, especially at Truth in Johannesburg, which was the best gig I’ve ever played by a mile.
Roska – Tokyo (and London)
I’d say some cities in Asia mainly Tokyo as well as London. Tokyo is just mind blowing as a city and also in the clubs.
Ibiza for the Ibiza Rocks closing party last year with Hannah Wants, that was awesome, especially having my best mates and bro there to share it with me.