A new report has been published by the IFPI showing the global rise of music consumption.
Based on the results of almost 45,000 people around the world, this report is the largest study of its kind in music.
How Much Music Does The Average Person To Listen To Per Week?
People are listening to more music than ever before.
People are listening to more music than ever before.
The average person now spends 20.1 hours a week listening to music, up from 18.4 hours in 2021.
This increase is largely due to the growing popularity of streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music. More than 45% of music fans now choose to pay for a premium subscription audio service.
But theres more to it than that!
The study showed that on average, people use more than six different methods to engage with music including streaming, radio, games, social media apps, and video content.
People are now engaging with music in more different ways than ever before.
People are also listening to a very wide range of music, more than 500 different genres were identified by the survey.
Music is having a big impact on our health (mental & physical).
We all know music is a popular way to relax and unwind after a long day, or to get pumped up for a workout but now we have some interesting stats to back that up.
69% of individuals say that music is important to their mental health and 68% think it is important when they exercise.
There’s no doubt that music brings joy into our lives. Music plays a significant role supporting both mental and physical wellbeing
The Opportunity for Independent Artists
With people listening to more music than ever before, engaging with it in more ways and discovering a wider variety of sounds, the opportunity to find fans for your music has never been greater.
The independent sector of the music industry continues to grow and new genres are artists are emerging at a rate that has never been seen before.
While this does of course mean you are competing against more artists than before, there are now more opportunities to get your music in front of potential fans than ever before.
More artists are making money from their music than at any other point in history. There has never been a better time to be an independent artist.
If you are not signed to a major label, but still want to make it in music we have a few tips for you below…
Music Promotion Resources for Independent Artists
Funding For Artists:
If you have at least 15,000 monthly listeners on Spotify, you may be eligble to receive an music advance of up to eight times your annual streaming revenue.
To check out your options, click here.
Artist Pages, Music Smart Links, Pre-Saves & More:
Use Soundplate Clicks to create music smart links, pre-save campigns and more for free!
Submit Music for Spotofy playlists – free!
You can submit music to Spotofy playlists for free on Soundplate, click here to find playlists for your music.
More Resources & Tools for Artists:
There are loads of great tools for artists on Soundplate! Check out some of them here.
You can also find tons of helpful tutorials and resources in our music marketing blog.
You can also use Soundplate to create artwork for your music or a music visualizer video!
Source (Read the full report!)
Most of the data in this article was taken from the brilliant IFPI Report called, Engaging with Music 2022.
Check it out here: https://www.ifpi.org/ifpi-releases-engaging-with-music-2022-report/